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Alumni network of the Pre-Med program at McDaniel College, Budapest

As you already know the Alumni network of the Pre-Med program was established at the end of 2022. Since then we have reached many doctors, dentist, pharmacists and organized a successful Alumni Day at McDaniel College, Budapest.

On one hand the goal of the network is to have a ‘circle of friends, colleagues’ who can share information and support each other. On the other hand, with the life stories and professional achievements of our alumni we would like to inspire, motivate the new generation of future doctors. 

At the end of October, I am travelling to Israel and I would like to use this occasion to organize a gathering with you.

Our representative in Israel, Roni Fried is helping me to organize the event.

So please just save the date:

October 26th, 2023 | Thursday | 19:30 | Ramat Gan


Details are coming soon.


Please forward this e-mail to your colleagues and friends to reach more ex Pre-Med


  Join Alumni network WhatsApp group: link

 Join LinkedIn Alumni network group: link  

  • LinkedIn

Alumni Meeting registration 

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